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So where's the website?

The website I had so hoped would be up and running by now is still sitting there, dormant. Whether you want to view these as excuses or reasons, I thought I should update you on the status, since I was promoting it so optimistically.

Why is not live yet?

Because I have had 1,001 technical difficulties creating the site and trying to upload the first post - a video about prayer, which will also be featured on our Rumble channel, Throne of Grace. The website and channel both exist, but there's no content yet...

Because I haven't had time to edit the introductory video...

Because of several other urgent deadlines I'm dealing with, including:

    Raising funds by April 1st to participate in excavations at biblical Shiloh this summer, and more for airfare and other expenses, as well,

    Excavating my living room after being blessed with a mountain of stuff to sell to raise those funds,

    Research for a paper for the fascinating class I'm taking on Biblical History and Archaeology, and

    Transporting my children to various music and other fine arts practices, some of which are for a program that will be over at the end of April, and

    Various ministry opportunities that have popped up and yielded wonderful blessings.

I have another long list of to-do's that are just ongoing, maintenance-type stuff, and I've been neglecting some of those, as well. But I'm not complaining. I am super blessed. All of this busy is the wonderful kind of busy. I'm just explaining why I've had to back-burner the website. Please pray with me that it will come together in God's perfect time.

