Well, I had my cute little blog post all ready to go and then I deleted it. Ever have one of those moments? What do you do with that kind of disappointment? Do you get so discouraged you can't even... (write the next word)? Maybe you think, "Well, that wasn't meant to be; I'll do something else entirely," and head off in a new direction. Or maybe you just sigh and rewrite it all. Because it's important and worth the extra effort. And while you're doing that, you get this great revelation, so you edit what you were going to say, and now it's so much more meaningful than it would have been otherwise. That's where I am right now: stubbornly optimistic that whatever is on the other side of the extra time and effort, it will be worth it. Why waste an opportunity to make lemonade from the sour lemons we stand holding when things go awry?
We all have these critical, self-defining moments. For me, this one isn't just about having to rewrite a chunk of text, because I see a parallel in my life and this is a great excuse to wax philosophical.
I plan to keep sharing how we got here, but I have to interrupt this program to tell you that I was ready to throw in the towel. I was actually thinking of ways to prepare for the possibility of packing up and leaving. I was so done; so frustrated. So I cried out to God. And He heard me. And if I hadn't accidentally deleted all my text, I would have had to wait to tell you this, because I was only going to post one blog a week.
God heard my prayer, and he changed Brett's heart, and He answered two other very significant prayers, as well: one I had been praying about for years, and the other was a good report from some blood work I had done to rule out the "C" word. I am so grateful. And so glad I didn't decide to give up when it looked like I was going to have to put some extra work into it. So, I just want to encourage you: if you're right there at the end of your rope, God might be waiting for just that moment to provide you with His solution. Because you wouldn't be looking for alternatives if everything was going the way you thought it should, and because He loves to surprise us with an even better outcome than we were hoping for.
I'll get back to our regularly scheduled program if we still have internet this weekend. What kind of lemonade is God making in your life in the midst of all of this chaos?
We all have these critical, self-defining moments. For me, this one isn't just about having to rewrite a chunk of text, because I see a parallel in my life and this is a great excuse to wax philosophical.
I plan to keep sharing how we got here, but I have to interrupt this program to tell you that I was ready to throw in the towel. I was actually thinking of ways to prepare for the possibility of packing up and leaving. I was so done; so frustrated. So I cried out to God. And He heard me. And if I hadn't accidentally deleted all my text, I would have had to wait to tell you this, because I was only going to post one blog a week.
God heard my prayer, and he changed Brett's heart, and He answered two other very significant prayers, as well: one I had been praying about for years, and the other was a good report from some blood work I had done to rule out the "C" word. I am so grateful. And so glad I didn't decide to give up when it looked like I was going to have to put some extra work into it. So, I just want to encourage you: if you're right there at the end of your rope, God might be waiting for just that moment to provide you with His solution. Because you wouldn't be looking for alternatives if everything was going the way you thought it should, and because He loves to surprise us with an even better outcome than we were hoping for.
I'll get back to our regularly scheduled program if we still have internet this weekend. What kind of lemonade is God making in your life in the midst of all of this chaos?
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